About Us At Fundación Selva Verde A.C., we are dedicated to community development in the villages of Yucatán, known for our outstanding initiatives in cultural, educational, and health areas that have a positive impact and transform lives. Our journey began in April 2019 with the opening of the Centro Cultural Cansahcab, a family project that, after nearly five years of consistent work, evolved into the creation of Fundación Selva Verde A.C. to ensure its continuity.

Our educational and creative space offers classes in Music, Jarana, Chess, English, and crafts, providing children with a safe environment and keeping them away from risky situations. We align ourselves with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, focusing particularly on goals such as quality education, reducing inequalities, and building sustainable communities. With notable achievements, we provide cultural activities to nearly a hundred children and boast a successful Traditional Orchestra that has captivated diverse audiences. We have ambitious goals for the future, including the continuation of Health Fairs and the implementation of a Milpa Maya workshop, a project aimed at preserving traditions, strengthening food security, and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.

Support our cause and contribute to achieving these goals by visiting our website (www.condescuento.com), where we offer a wide variety of products. Every purchase made in our online store directly supports our efforts, allowing us to advance in this transformative project.